Digital Fugue is 1 year old!
I started Digital Fugue a year ago after a few failed attempts in creating a weblog. The first time I heard about Weblog was probably in late 1999. At that point I already had a personal site located at and i cant be bothered having a blog and a personal site. Then NBCi bought over xoom and the closed the site for good. I still have my puny low tech site archived at geocities. (yeah, its freaking ugly... at that time the only thing we had was notepad for coding HTML and Netscape Composer. No such thing as dreamweaver, and CSS, and flash...) Then weblog pop up in the papers in late 2000. I procrastinate until the middle of 2002. The rest is history.
Many people asked me why I choose Digital Fugue as the title for my blog.
The blunt answer to that is, Im a big fan of Johann Sebastian Bach and I enjoyed Baroque and Classical music.
Well, i was looking for an identity. Forget about or even [email protected], they were all taken. The next best thing would of course be my nickname, Requiem. Nada, the good ones are all taken. Out of a sudden, i thought of Fugue. Yeah why not? Signed up on blogspot at random and i got the id. But why fugue?
Definition of Fugue
According to The American Heritage� Dictionary of the English Language, Fugue (pron. fyoog) derives from Italian fuga(influenced by French fugue, from Italian fuga), from Latin, flight.
Fugue is an imitative polyphonic composition in which a theme or themes are stated successively in all of the voices of the contrapuntal structure.
However, in psychiatric terms fugue can be defined as a pathological amnesiac condition during which one is apparently conscious of one's actions but has no recollection of them after returning to a normal state. This condition, usually resulting from severe mental stress, may persist for as long as several months.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary define it as polyphonic composition, developed from a given theme or themes, according to strict contrapuntal rules. The theme is first given out by one voice or part, and then, while that pursues its way, it is repeated by another at the interval of a fifth or fourth, and so on, until all the parts have answered one by one, continuing their several melodies and interweaving them in one complex progressive whole, in which the theme is often lost and reappears.
If you listen to a fugue, the melody starts of with one voice, then another mimics the first voice followed by another as though answering the preceeding voices, running around the tunes and the first voice set on a counterpoint. Just like in real life blogs. You start of with a post, and then a comment appears lauding or agreeing to your post. Some comment disagree and sets its own counterpoint. And other comments follow suit.
At the same time, the psychiatric definition brings about the relativity of things when you are online. Sometimes you just lost track of time when you are on line. You take multiple personalities online. Multiple email accounts for different roles you play, at work, at home, personal. You become a multitasker of your own personalities without realising it. Based on these definition, I decided to name my blog Digital Fugue!
This blog talks mainly about technology, Music, PC Games (PS2, when i get my hands on those), clubbing and random thoughts.
Blogs that inspired me to blog
When I first started blogging i was alone. I need a role model. These blogs have somehow shape Digital Fugue.
Here they are in no particular order:
Al Muhajabah
Future KL
Voice Volume of Interactions
All out of angst
Blogs that inspired me to continue blogging
At times, I sort of like have nothing to write. Sometime Im just busy, and Digital Fugue will be on hiatus for quite sometime. The thought of just ending Digital Fugue hit me more than once. However, these great bloggers inspired me to keep up the good blog. :)
Again in, no particular order, here they are:
Shattered Buddha
Malaysiana Digest
Perpetual Permutating Perceptions
The Gadget Blog
I hope Digital Fugue will be around for years to come. More effort will be put in to further develop Digital Fugue. It will eventually have its own domain and I envisioned it will run on Moveable Type. No specific date have been determined, but my target would be by the end of Q4 2003. Keep on tuning in.
I would like to thank all the readers of Digital Fugue, and would like to welcome new readers. Comments and suggestions are welcomed! Love it or hate it, tell me. You can leave your comments on this post or you can email me at [email protected]
If its not too much too ask, give your ratings on Digital Fugue at GMBL or Bloghop, located below the tagboard.
Finally I would like to thank Blogger, blogspot, TagBoard, Haloscan and enetation, Yahoo and village photos for realising Digital Fugue.
To all fellow bloggers out there, Keep up the good blog!
Thank you!
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