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Monday, April 11, 2005


noor hidayat

Cellphone, camera, TV are all seperate modules. Going to be released soon. Browser and email client is rumored coming on this May's update.

That PSP looks American.


I am so jealous! This tops my list wanted gadgets!


What i can say, you are just one lucky man, cause i was thinking of getting it for so long liao.


digital fugue needs to do the hooplah.



I think the PSP is cooler than sliced bread, but can't bring myself to drop the cash. Like you said, there aren't enough games out yet, and they are a little expensive still. Plus, I think the selection of movies in the format is even worse. Because you have to buy ANOTHER version of the flick to watch it on your handheld, the games should only be 10 or 12 US dollars. Maybe in time. But the unit is definitely slick.


I have the chance to hold PSP last weekend.It is really cool. The price is RM1299 basic and with IGB storage it is RM 1699.Now, I am in dilemma-which should be my choice-the new iPod with a video or this SPS?

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