First and foremost, I would like to apologize for the lack of updates over the months. The last six months have been very interesting with too many events cramped in such limited time span. It is like seeing your life flash before your very eyes. The experience and knowledge I gain from the last six months were tremendous.
I sit and ponder upon the chain of events that happened and how those events affect the lives of people around me. Had one event fail to materialize, the outcome would be totally different... It could be for the better... or worst... all could change as easy as a flip of a penny. Six month ago, I would not have imagine myself as I am now... and not to mention where I am heading to at this very cross-junction of time.
From the plans that we have drawn out there are lot more things to explore and experience. We went against the grain and manage to elevate ourselves from zero to a platform that was accessible only to the big players. No doubt, we have ruffled some feathers in the playing field. Who knows, we might have created enemies along the way. Then again one might ask what would you do if all your enemies are friends...? what would you do?
The end of the year is near... it is a time for reflection. We should not look at the end of the year as it is but in fact we should take it as the beginning of a new year.
People ask about resolutions... what happened to last years resolutions and what are next year's resolutions. To me it doesn't matter. Resolutions evolve as time elapse. We should mould our resolutions to fit the situation and time. I can't wait to see what next year have in store for us.
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