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Thursday, October 14, 2004



Great post. I'm pretty sure that i'm going to find it useful soon! :P

Cheers!!! :D


I am converter of Thunderbird from Outlook. So far so good. You can add calendar function to Thunderbird by installing a calendar plugin. Here is the link: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/


Thanks for the pointer LcF, but im looking at expansion and stuff... maybe integration with pocketpc etc.
with that in mind, microsoft outlook still has the upper hand.

Rolf Akker

Excellent. I have used this method and it worked like it should. Good tip!!

roofing philadelphia

Hello! I was interested in your article. It is rather instructive.


This is really great. Thanks for the tip - I've just successfully migrated all my Thunderbird email from my Mac to Outlook on my PC. Only problem - with over 3,000 emails it was very, very slow (took over half an hour). Maybe someone needs to write an add-in for Outlook that would work directly on the mbox file format?

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