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Monday, July 05, 2004



Free?! Eh, this is a must see lah, macam ni! Haven't seen an Amir Yusof performance in ages...

hrh princess L

Hey, I went to see them last wednesday nite!!! Band was good and LL was super packed. Lotsa gorgeous pple and gud food... yummy

Kaz: u must put ur cigar there, the have bad selection(s) except for the montecristo...

btw, the creme brulee so yummy and the tapas!

Tengku Shahrizan

HRH L: KuKuuuuu!!!Amacammm Wednesday Nite??


twelve night.
ten points for you..:)
congrats btw!!!

hrh princess L

TS: Kukuuuu when are the Kukuuus gonna meet up at LL? 2moro petang... three kukuuus & "southerners"?! herks ;-P

Kaz: had ur bachelor party aweady?


not yet.... r u organising?

hrh princess L

dear, please lah update your blog!! maybe topic on politics! ;)
(& I get the politician to organize your bachelor party)


Can anyone tell me where i can buy any of Amirs music, thanks. [email protected]

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