We bump into it almost every day. Everytime we have to make a decision wether to go straight, left or right. Sometimes we just plough through it without giving much thought. Sometimes we stop, pause and rummage through our grey matter in order to decide which path is the best. With each decision, comes great responsibility and risk. Perhaps we should take that risk. Perhaps we should avoid obvious risks.
Perhaps that path is the best... at that particular moment of time. Perhaps that left turn you should have taken could bring you to better life, better satisfaction, better fulfilment. We never know. Perhaps the risk you avoided, if you manage to overcome it would bring you better returns. We never know.
But the funny thing, you would not be what you are today if you chose the other path. If I had taken the second test for cadet pilot, I would have clocked more flying hours than driving hours. I would not have met my future wife if I had taken that path. Of course, life is funny and God always have a weird sense of humor. She might have taken another path on her own and become a flight stewardess or something and our path would somehow rendezvous. Or things would turn out completely different afterall. We never know.
When we are born into this world, we have two reference points, A at birth and Z at death. In between there is an unfathomable myriad of paths that we need to go through. It could be as easy as A to Z, or as complex as A to B to C to K to D and back to B to M to W to Z. We never know until its over. We never know.
kaz: i thought about the "what ifs" once a while but it's a no-no to think about it ALL the time. Reminds me of the movie "sliding door" - gwenyth palthrow (spell?)
hah! if i were to listen to daddykins, I would have been the deputy Permaisuri Agong ;-P
Posted by: hrh princess L | Friday, June 25, 2004 at 01:26
See ya at the crossroad, so you won't be lonely. a message by Bone Thugs N Harmony sponsored by serbuk kopi Cap Kapal.
Posted by: vlad | Friday, June 25, 2004 at 13:28