Tomorrow will be my last day at my current company... Before I hit the road i wrote a little farewell note to my collegues:
Dear Collegues,
Yes, this is going to be one of those farewell email whatchamacallitthingamagik but im going to keep it short and simple.
Alright now that I've got your attention. As you all know, 28th of May will be the day the volunteers walk the plank. I replied to the VSS offer and eventually the company graciously accepted my voluntary separation.
With that, I would like to thank everybody in this company who I have worked with, both directly and indirectly. Certainly our interactions have widen my experience and knowledge and I do hope the same goes to all of you. I would also like to wish you guys and the company all the best and goodluck.
I have no idea what to do at the moment, although there is an job opening somewhere in Timbuktoo that looked all too exciting for me to ignore. :p
Someone did suggest I enrolled for Malaysian Idol. But considering i would most probably end up the Malaysian version on William Hung, I think i'd rather go for the job in Timbuktoo. We'll see how it goes.
I do hope we could continue our relationship and keep in touch with other. you can email me at [email protected]. Yes, you may add me to your friend's list if you are on yahoo messenger. You can also find me on friendster. To those who will also jump ship, (or walk the plank, depending on how you look at it... the way I see it im jumping on to a mother of a battleship!) do send me your updated contact details, email and handphone no, if you dont mind. At the moment, my mobile number is still the same. I guess it will always be the same unless I enroll in a witness protection program or something like that.
Yes, if you are free, just give me a call and we could go out for drinks (hint: im a coffee freak) or cigar or something like that, and have a chat or two perhaps, who knows, a few business deals maybe?
if you really dont have anything better to do, you can head over to my blog and read all the crap that flow out of the noodle in my head. The address is
Feel free to roam and leave comments on the postings... and yes if you have to, do correct my horrendous grammar and spelling!
OK, I wont bother you all with my mindless blabber anymore, Im sure you guys have tonnes of other better things to do rather than read this pathetic email. If you are still reading this at this point I thank you for your time and effort. I appreciate it...really.
Thats all from me. once again thank you very much, goodluck, all the best and God bless y'all.
I did say this is going to be short and simple right...? ;p
P/s: There's this jewish joke that goes something like; When a jew meet they greet each other shalom, when they part again they greet shalom. So, whenever a jew said shalom you can never tell whether they have just arrived or they are about to leave!
So here's a big Shalom to you :)
(Not that im pro jew or anything, nor does my "jewish-looking-hairdo" have anything to do with it either...! seriously, I got it from seinfeld... i think) :)
OK, ok, seriously, go back to work.
"we couldn't all be cowbows,
some of us are clows,
some of us are dancers on the midway,
we roam from town to town,
I hope that everybody would find a little flame,
Me, I just say my prayers and I just light my self on fire,
and walk out on the wire once again"
Adam Duritz, Counting Crows
Good luck for all your endeavours, bro. You'll be smashing, I know.
Keep us informed how it is in Timbuktoo eh?
Posted by: Ash.ox | Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 12:53
Best of luck, dude. Shalom!
Posted by: Sashi | Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 13:02
Just call for me teh tarik whenever you are free.I am self -emplyed since April 1989 by choice.Let's talk about doing business as free-agents.
Posted by: Abedib | Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 15:46
good luck with the dive into unknown waters, Kaz!
p.s. can you bring some timbuktooan stamps when you get back, i collect stamps ;)
Posted by: ted | Friday, May 28, 2004 at 09:17
Bro, what took you so long? I've been in timbuktoo for so long now, get your ass here quick!
Posted by: Sharizal Shaarani | Friday, May 28, 2004 at 13:19
felt sorry for you bro.. hang cukup duit tak nak kawin nih?
Posted by: bad | Monday, May 31, 2004 at 10:01
I guess as they say, a man got to do what a man got to do. I'm sure you didn't ask for VSS for nothing (a millionnaire now, are you?).
There's always a bright side to everything, depending on how you choose to look at it. I'm pretty sure you have a well thought out plan for your next move.
Good luck bro. Hope you will find what you are looking for in life.
Posted by: Razin | Tuesday, June 01, 2004 at 10:01
may the force be with you. cheers mate.
Posted by: noisemonkie | Wednesday, June 02, 2004 at 14:17
One thing that surprised me in my own happiness project is the truth of the proposition that Novelty and challenge bring happiness
Posted by: Cheap Jordans | Thursday, January 20, 2011 at 12:01