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Sunday, April 25, 2004



You are getting philosophical,young man!
There is a subject called called FUZZY LOGIC, but I am still fuzzy about it.
When it comes to right and wrong,is there such thing as almost right or almost wrong?When someone says the fruit is almost an apple;is it an apple?


Not quite philosophical yet Abedib...
In the case of right and wrong, people could debate the case and turn something that is right to wrong vice versa (happens all the time in court).
To say a fruit is almost an apple would have many possibilities...is it an apple because it looked like an apple or because it taste like an apple?
We describe an apple as green or red and crunchy... but the same cant be described for apple pie. yet it is still apple.


A friend of mine likes to talk about a duck test. If it walks like a duck, queks a like, it might not really be a duck. It might be grey all over.


A friend of mine likes to talk about a duck test. If it walks like a duck, quacks a like, it might not really be a duck. It might be grey all over.


Oooops! Sorry for the mess. Can you delete one. It's too dark, I didn't realise the duplicate caused by this error message.

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