As I lie on the bed
Falling into layers of unconsciousness
I remember
Driving down the road
The days we took the winding road
The days we passed the mansions
The days we believed in us
Perhaps it was too long...
Perhaps it was too far...
I keep on sinking deeper
Drifting further away from reality
Angels come, angels go
Demons come, demons go
Until i reached the bottom
I am all alone in the dark
At peace with myself
As i lie on the bed
Resting in the depth of unconsciousness
I remember
Driving down the road
The days we took the winding road
The days we passed the mansions
The days we believed in us
Perhaps it was too long...
Perhaps it was too far...
I recognised your face
I missed your smile
I wonder if i could kiss your lips ever again
Angels whisper
Demons persuade
I am all alone in the dark
But I can see light at the end
As i lie on the bed
Breaking away from unconsciousness
I remember
Driving down the road
The days we took the winding road
The days we passed the mansions
The days we believed in us
Perhaps it was too long...
Perhaps it was too far...
I took a deep breath
As I float back into reality
Angels bid farewell
Demons pledge return
I opened my eyes
I am all alone in the dark
Dazed and confused
Perhaps it was too long...
Perhaps it was too far...
This reads like a song more than a poem. I like how the angels and demons move through it. Cool! You should put this to song if you wrote it :)
Posted by: prema | Tuesday, February 10, 2004 at 14:12