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Saturday, December 13, 2003


Sharizal Shaarani

thats a terrible picture of me! take it off take it off!


dang! i missed the whole thang!!

tengku shahrizan

sharizal,youre right!lol!but hey! that chunk of a hunk next to aizuddin will give you a run for your money mannnnn.lol

Sharizal Shaarani

shahrizan- :p

tengku shahrizan

His hair reminds me of the King of Dangdut in Indonesia/Rhoma Irama, don't you reckon? =D

Sharizal Shaarani

Shahrizan: muahahaha you baaaaaddddd.... caulliflower coiffeur eh? but whats with the same shirt? is his "lucky" shirt ah? maybe he's trying to pick up them umbrella girls...

tengku shahrizan

LOL you badder lol!cauliflower?nahhh "brocolli boufant time warped between the tacky 70s and even tackier 80s" and the shirt?shall i just succumb to schadenfreude??YESSSSSSSSSS lol

joe cigar

You people are damn bitchy.

Sharizal Shaarani

oooohh yes we arreeeeeee!!!!!!

tengku shahrizan

woohooooo!am a bitchy babe!!


Yeah... Welcome to the Bitch Club! oops Cigar Club! ;-S

tengku shahrizan

vampytas: "BITCH CLUB",nice name for a cigar club lol!"B.I.T.C.H CLUB"=Babes In The Cigar House CLUB! Where do i sign up?Pray tell!Quick!

buy cigarettes

This is just awesome. We are seeing a master at work making the best Cigars in the world.

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