I got 70 mails in my Jaring account in 24 hours. 99.5% of them are junk. Yesterday Najah blogged about a legitimate looking spam luring unsuspecting victims to reveal their account numbers and PIN. Oddly enough, i recieved a mail in my yahoo account which was addressed to najah... but this was purely spam.
Greater forces at work? I dont know... but the net is getting spookier by the day.
My PC have been acting funny lately. Connect to the internet, be it via Jaring or Celcom.net or time.net, the PC seemed to be sending packets to some unknown destination. Anyone got any idea? Virus perhaps? And Windows XP sometimes reboots itself, RPC error or something like that... (at least they give 60 seconds to save everything before it reboots itself)
I dont have the tools to analyse where the packet were being sent to... perhaps i should install some of them... perhaps one of those personal firewall thinggy. Hmmm.. I see a trip to Low Yat coming very soon...
They should make a parody of the romantic comedy "You got mail" and call it "You Got Spam"... Oh it would not be a romantic comedy. A horror flick would be more like it. Perhaps along the lines of Kill Bill... or even better Ichi The Killer.
Oh, remember that song by R.E.M that goes something like;
SPAM in the place where you live
Now face North
Think about direction
Wonder why you haven't before
Now SPAM in the place where you work
Now face West
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven't before
Ichi the killer, yummy.
You could try using the MS-DOS, just type netstat. You could probably see packets in and out. In Windows there is a program call Netwatcher, I don't know how to activate it, or what is the filename of the program. It activated when I used BigFix.
Firewalls need to be configured. leceh
Posted by: vlad | Friday, November 28, 2003 at 11:52
Yeah... but i need something more powerful... at the office i use this thinggy called LAN Explorer... preety cool stuff..
Posted by: KaZ | Friday, November 28, 2003 at 12:44
I get more than hundred spam mails DAILY. :/ Fortunely I have spam filter on web host.
Why not support freeware?
Try ZoneAlarm. The awards winning free personal firewall. :)
Posted by: LcF | Friday, November 28, 2003 at 14:39
I'd say run the anti-virus first, and clean your PC, then configure ZoneAlarm. It works like a charm!!!
Posted by: Najah | Friday, November 28, 2003 at 15:33
Maybe this might help :)
Posted by: Natasha | Friday, November 28, 2003 at 19:11
Bro.. cian u. Me got even thousands of spam daily. If you want, and if you guys are using Outlook (outlook express or outlook2000) you can subscribe to Cloudmark SpamNet. Free for 1 month, then its a subcribtion basis. You can contribute to them in building up the spam/junkmail address list. If you are using MS Office 2003, try out the new Outlook 2003. It came with automatic spam filter. Kinda neat. Been using for the past 2 months, no probs so far. Maybe there are other solutions.
Adware is neat too.. however, do update the signature file frequently.
Happy computing...
Posted by: Paroe | Saturday, November 29, 2003 at 12:05
Already run the adaware thinggy... Nada...
Antivirus.. i need a new one... My norton "subsription" has expired
ZoneAlarm... yes.. heard so much about it... i think i'll get that...!
Posted by: KaZ | Saturday, November 29, 2003 at 12:54
zonealarm works well. :) but when u see the amount of incoming packets, one gets nervous.
try SpyBot to search for adwares.
Posted by: Wena | Sunday, November 30, 2003 at 16:58
you might have a trojan horse.
i'd run ad-ware AND spybot first. they're free.
then get some decent anti-virus software and set up a firewall.
Posted by: steve | Wednesday, December 03, 2003 at 02:47