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Wednesday, November 19, 2003



If I am not mistaken, the place in kelana Jaya is chinese owned with a lot of stalls. If that is the place, then its also one of our (my wife and I) regular haunts too. Though haven't been able to go there often because my wife is still in confinement.


Yuppp.. thats the place alright! :)


have you tried chiangmai in SG Buloh. Great Thai food, but i don't think they have buffet though..b\


Wow... after all the fasting... regular buffet dinners! What are u gonna be eating on Raya itself then? Wouldn't u have tasted all the good food by then? ~_^ Hmmm... Anyway, I guess some of u guys have to get used to my regular silent intrusions. I've been very much bored lately. (I think tt means u have interesting blogs) Alrighty then.


blip: ChiangMai...? hmmm whereabout in Sg Buloh? Will write a review if I go there.
Diana: Make yourself at home. you are most welcome here. please, come back often...


Tarbush's great, 100x better than Islamic Museum. Price's affordable @RM39. As u know arabic food fills ur tummy quite quickly. So if u wanna eat just a bit, go for the ala-carte. My suggestion, the mix grill. Yummm!!! and thats half the price of the buffet and memang confirm kenyang!


I'll try to source out the address, maybe we'll have dinner there someday together? nak tak..I'll mail you.


I hope u won't regret tt invite *evil laughter* Just kidding. I'm a sensible young lady who has got too much time in her hands and needs stimulation for her juices to keep flowing... the brain I mean... so tt my grey matter will not disintegrate with the lack of mental activity. Well yeah... I'm using u in a way. Oh how crude I make things seem sometimes! Ahaha... It may seem like I'm trying to joke here. Maybe I am. I dunno. I'm not even smiling ~_^ Oh stop the lameness. End.


I could be a young lady too Kaz, if you offer me a glass o wine.

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