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Saturday, November 08, 2003



tiba² terdendang lagu middle east di dalam kepalaku..


oh my god,now i miss all these food!


Totally agreed with you Kaz! I went there last nite...Total dissapointment.. Had some baklava n kurma for berbuka, head for the surau then at 7.30 had to go & pick my gf, buy the time i got back at 8, pinggan pun tadak! had to use the small plates to have my main course.. by 9.00 they're clearing out the plates and buffet spread.. aku makan pun tak abis lagi.. if I were to pay RM55 for a buffet , i expect to be served until at least 10pm!
Food: Baklava, Sirloin cuts, basically the middle eastern food
Ambiance: Really-really nice interior


Went there last year, so I was surprised that the price went up this year, with such a big jump too. Anyways it wasn't that great either at that time, so I wonder how it could be this year (for you, Kaz, at least) that last year's was better.... the baklava though was fantastic, that I agree. Must've had almost a whole plateful by myself then.. it just kinda melt in your mouth.. ahh...


Food was absolutley shite, except of course the young green crunchy olives. I took my family there for buka last week and my son ate snowballs covered in rose syrup all nite long...not bad actually considering the amount of ice that can be bought and eaten for RM55...almost enough to build low cost igloos for a community of eskimo's.
Yes i agree, last years pricing was better and so was the food....i thought the new decor was a bit glaring, kinda reminded me of 'ALL SMILES' dentistry in Hartamas with little men in white coats clearing the tables as soon as you went up for more food.
The only thing i do like about the place however is the fact that you can make yourself feel at home and the waiters and waitresess always stop to see how you are and ask how you have been since they last saw you which was almost a year ago!! And no, we did not feel rushed into leaving too, this may have something to do with family friends owning the place and because of that your always bound to bump into someone you know which is always a delight, especially when they offer to settle your bill!! Now thats what i call dessert.


*gasps *lick lips... Shaurma!! I'm really bored now and ur entry made me a very hungry person. Could u pass over tt shaurma? =( I'm getting desperate here... Shaurma... how I miss u shaurma... Wait, this shaurma u had is with the thin or thick lavash? Make mine thin. Till then, I'll sit here and drool... (I know, kinda sad, huh?)

travel recommendations

However is the fact that you can make yourself feel at home and waiters and waitresess always stop to see how you and ask how you have been seeing since the last, which was almost a year ago. And no, we did not feel rushed to leave too, and this may have something to do with friends of the royal family of the place.

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