Last weekend, I had the opportunity to join a group of citroen enthusiast in their monthly tech talk meetup. The meetup was scheduled at 4:30pm at the parking lot of Giant Shah Alam. Apparently, this month's meetup was a joint effort by the Citroen Enthusiasts Group and My Peugeot Network. It was aptly named "The French Connection", although it was more of a "PSA Connection" (There were no Renault around).
I reached the venue at about 5pm. There were already cars lined up, almost 30 of them. However most of them are either ZXs and Xantias. No new models like the C3, C5 (Abedib should have joined :)), C8 or even the Xsara.
I miggled with the crowd, trying to find some familiar faces, most of them i remember only by their nick names; spygame, katmai, silver16v. Yes, we know each other from the internet (you know, one of those internet buddies thinggy) through an online forum. Indeed I do not know most of the folks who attended the tech talk.
The Peugeot team had close to about 20 cars on their side, which consists of the 206,306 405 and 406. Both sides brought their mechanics to talk about the technical details and trouble shooting. They even did what they called as ELITE test and DIY demos on the cars. Preety cool.
Despite the on-off drizzle, we had close to about 50 cars lined up all together. After which we gather to pose for a photo session for Traffic Magazine. Preety cool eh? So look up for our pics in next month's issue of the magazine.
After the meet up, we adjourned to Restoran Kampung Pandan for buka puasa. All and all it was an exciting meetup. Surely I dont mind attending more meetups in the future. The next meet is scheduled on 13th December.
I see babes!!!
Posted by: blip | Wednesday, November 12, 2003 at 19:35
If I know of the event,I would be there with you. Anyway, insyaAllah I will attend the next meeting.Pls remind me.
Posted by: Abedib | Wednesday, November 12, 2003 at 21:32
blip: yeah, but taken teeheehee.....
Abedib: sure, i will remind you of next month's meet. Im sure the boys will drool over your car ;)
Posted by: KaZ | Wednesday, November 12, 2003 at 23:08
bile la aku nak gi evo meeting nih...
Posted by: phyruzze | Thursday, November 13, 2003 at 15:25
gua italian job laa.
tak leh join aa cam ni. hehehe..
Posted by: zack | Saturday, November 15, 2003 at 07:19
lol, looks like a geek-o-rama entry.
Posted by: angry_monk33 | Sunday, November 16, 2003 at 13:53
Getting a Peugot?
I heard that the Alfa 147 GTA is a real killer.
Good Luck with the work and keep in touch.
Posted by: Zarique | Monday, November 17, 2003 at 12:17
Wow. Who's the hot bald dude with the tattoo?
The cars are not bad too ;)
Posted by: meesh | Friday, November 21, 2003 at 00:23