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Saturday, October 25, 2003



I see you have meet up with the TD crew. You did not tapau nasi minyak for me didn't you?


i was confused too... heh.

dJ phuturecybersonique

Not blogger... Shuq has aptly termed it as "kawan-kawan Internet Lyna" :P


Vlad, we did tapau... but somehow rather they found their way into my stomach on the way back...
The nasi minyak was yummy BTW.... :p


U met zero n rocket eh kaz. I follow their blogs ...blog n real life berbeza ke ?
.. hehhe ..


omecool, they're definitely better and hotter in real life ;)


Heya there, nice meeting you too. Now where can i get all pic taken from yours???


she is pretty. :)

a i z a

it was pleasure meeting u too


Oh yeah about the movie review blog. I'm delighted to participate. Did not reply at mail because I deleted it in a rush.


sapalah kita kecuali kawan-kawan internet... huhuhu... still, it was great meeting you and i'm sure the ladies loved your company... hahaha! take care buddy!


Wow I just saw the photos. Rocket holding a yellow dildo. Oh no it's not a dildo, it's candle, my bad.


heyya kaz!
thank u soooooooo much for coming to my wedding! it was such a pleasure ;)
i'll be back on the blogging world next week. too much to settle this weekend.
again, thanx.


I was there too... Ahaha... *not shy... Let's just say I had the honour to wear a corsage, right Lyna? Then again, poor me... Came all the way to wear a corsage, make bunga rampai and hand complimentary sweets... Wait, I'm not complaining. It was an experience for me cos I've never done such stuff and hey, it was my dear cousin Lyna's big day. Oh yeah... it's quite the memorable one.

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