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Saturday, October 18, 2003




I read Joe Blog a few times...
May Allah swt bless his soul.
And may this be a lesson to all of us that our very existence is at Allah's mercy.

Let's remember Allah ALL the time.



Me and Haris still thinks it's a tad too early to take off the site.

John Doe

I first met Johan 24 years ago when we joined the Malay College. He did not attend our 20th year gathering last June, but he turned up at a batch-mate's wedding the next night. I was away in Geneva when a friend SMSed me about his passing. I'm sure we'll all miss his blogs. He was a brother, a friend...we may have had our differences then, but growing up together for 5 years was the best thing that could've happen to us, of MCKK Class of 83.

I don't know what else to write...still numb from the loss, I guess.

But I'm sure he's now in a better place.

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