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Wednesday, September 24, 2003



but the point is... are you happy with your digital camera?


I didn't get the IBM. Nor the Dell. I got myself the Fujitsu P5010 instead!!!! I'm not posting it on my blog because I'm keeping it hush, hush... It's a great machine!

Forget getting a PDA or a mobile phone right now. Handspring/Palm will be introducing the new Treo 600 later this year to the Malaysian market and you might want that - mobile, PDA, camera, bluetooth all in one.


hmm i don't recommend treo 600 at all!!!
the screen is too small, and knowing now it is under palm, be
careful of early new launched models.
wah, jikon, no wonder you haven't been posting on your blogs lately, ;-)
how much would u rate the P5010 machine out of 5?


Dude, this is a difficult call. I started planning for the Xbox in February, so I'm not very good at impulse buys (don't even have a credit card..everything's either cash or don't buy). In any case, go with something that YOU enjoy and that will pay for itself (either literally or figuratively).

The PS2 in 2002, and Xbox in 2003. Both already hard at work providing hours of enjoyment. Oh, and I can help if you wanna buy.



ryuu: i love my digicam...
Jikon: A fujitsu? awww... wicked you!
Ash: Appreciate your help. Care to do a demo? :)


Kaz - the ultimate toy is the Clie UX50 with built in wi-fi and bluetooth. I bought one and loved it - but took it back because my eyes could not adjust to the fine, but very small display. (With the wifi I found myself on it constantly). It is a wild PDA - everything under the sun and exceptionally well made.

And very expensive.


Ash - I want a PS2! I want a PS2!

Well... it's not really for me. I'd get it for A and keep him out of my hair! But it's rather expensive at the moment - I got a quote for MYR980 the other day. I was hoping it'd be at least MYR200 lower...

The Treo 600 has been getting rave reviews as far as I can tell. You don't get it for use as a primary machine. The screen's big enough to retrieve information while you're on the go. For heavy use, you fall back on your desk/laptop. It beats carrying both a PDA and a mobile.

The Fujitsu - is quite cool. So far, I'd say that it's comparable to my desktop which runs on P4 1.8GHz with 768MB of RAM. This dinky machine was just too cool to pass over. But the small screen can be annoying. I've got it set to the max at the moment but I'm contemplating adjusting either the fonts or the resolution. Been setting it up the last few days (installing, installing, installing). Hope to actually use it for fun tonight!


the 15" powerbook really turns me on. was at the apple center midvalley last weekend.
it's awesome!

Sharizal Shaarani

Kaz : you could get a citroen :)


I can't imagine switching to the Apple OS (too entrenched in Windows already) but I do like the 12", not 15", Powerbook. Very sexy.


Zman: Thanks for the tip...
haxa: yeah the powerbook is cool...
Sharizal: don't underestimate the power of The Force :)
jikon: another laptop(Powerbook) in the house wont hurt... ;)

Sharizal Shaarani

The force is strong in a C5 or even a C3 :)

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