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Monday, August 25, 2003


Sharizal Shaarani

When are you moving permanently here? I think here looks bettah


A bit tied up at the moment... even my TypePad review is over due!


Sob Sob... so sad... so sorry for your loss...


heyya kaz...
thanx for the cat poem.
ya know what? ur cat poem really made me smile cuz now i know dat my cat raja is in safe hands now. n dat i know he's watching me from above.
thanx again :)


Hey Kaz - thanks for the poem. I plan to share it with my two daughters - they liked the fact that someone else knows about Cody's death!


Please do zman... i thought of the story when my cat, Fudge, died 2 years ago. When my other cat died last month, i decided to post it here and share it with everybody. :)

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