One Finger Salute
Malaysian roads are perhaps the most notorious in the world. Courtesy is a joke.
Almost everyday shit happens. In the radio a couple of days ago, someone called and said he never used the horn when driving in Australia, but when he came back to Malaysia, he felt like the horn was over used.
The one finger salute, is an act of showing gratitude towards other drivers who seemed to be incapable of handling their vehicle. But when do you use it? Of course not all the time and not to everybody. Consider this scenario, you were driving on the highway, happily cruising at 100km/h. Out of nowhere, an old datsun worthy of a junkyard suddenly drifts from the left most lane to the right most lane, without giving any signal.
"Holy shhhhhh....ttt!!" With your eyes almost poping out of their sockets, you jam the brakes and swerve to the middle lane. At the same time, you somehow managed to automatically roll down your windows. As you are about to give the infamous salute, you caught a glimpse of the driver. The driver was old enough to be your grandmother's sister. Heck she would have enough driving mileage to take her to the moon twice and come back.
Do you still give her that well deserve salute?
Most probably you would roll your window up and bang your head on the steering wheel... "D-ohhh!"
You should also be cautious when giving the salute especially if the car is white in color and driving extra slow. For all you know it might as well be an unmarked police car. You dont want a cop to teach you how to give a proper salute do you?
Then again there are wankers who most of the time give the salute when they were actually the one who commited the traffic offence. For example a nut was in the wrong lane and gave me the finger for being in the right lane. How stupid can you be... d-oh! i forgot, im talking about malaysian drivers here.
Well, to all the wankers who have given me the salute, my friend joe here would like to return the favour.
"Here's one fer ya, asshole!"