Miscellaneous Updates
The Digital Fugue Gallery is updated, featuring eight (8) new galleries. And yes, more coming your way.
And they were mermaids...
The National Geographic ran a collectors' special edition on swimsuits. Anybody up for a sunburn?
Now wouldn't that be wonderful?
Thanks to the guys at Geek News Central for pointing to this article. Imagine, something the size of a pack of ciggy, holding 30Gb of music, broadcasting to everybody within 50 to 100 meter radius. Imagine 100 people walking around with wifi enabled ipods, with ipods talking to each other asking "Hey, wanna trade MP3s with me?",
"I have Jimi Hendrix Voodoo Chile, would you like to trade?"
Music mega store beaming the latest hits to your ipods. You choose what you want to hear! Amazing!
And we thought internet radio was God-sent.
But I guess the main issue will be power management and the over crowded unlicenced spectrum. Then again, with fuel cells emerging etc.... you'll never know....