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Monday, July 07, 2003



It is Markus Gundermann. You spelled it Marcus.


The Concertone in C was very boring. Miranda Playfair and Kjell-Arne Jorgensen (they're married) played it too neatly, and too primly, that there was no excitement. It is the same with another of their performances, the Bach concerto for two violins in D minor. This is a beautiful concerto by BACH...they treated the music classically, not in a baroque way. They added unnecessary trills and whatnot and spoilt the whole thing. I did axpect a higher degree of professionalism from them, as they are concertmaster and section principal, and Playfair has given excellent performances before; the Schubert Quintet in C should be noted here.


Miranda Playfair is THE BEST goddamn violinist in the Malaysian Philharmonic...although, yeah, the bach was a little..well...I'm glad that you mentioned the Schubert. That was definetely good.


Miranda Playfair is THE BEST goddamn violinist in the Malaysian Philharmonic...although, yeah, the bach was a little..well...I'm glad that you mentioned the Schubert. That was definetely good.

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