Malaysians have a funny attitude when it comes to buying cars. Unlike the europeans who treat cars as a necessity, most malaysian think that buying a car is an investment.
Well... you invest in something in to get substancial gains over time. When you buy a car, it depreciates the minute you drive out of the showroom. That is not investment.
Putting this in mind, secondhand value becomes such an issue when buying a new car. Hence, cars like citroen and renault were the least favourite as they tend to depreciate on a steep slope. Its a shame some good cars became unpopular just because they're "bad investment" and have no second hand value.
To me that is not important. The car is an object of desire. Driving is a pleasure whether its zooming up and down the north south highway in a ferrari or cruising in Bangsar top down in a CLK or just driving your buddies to nowhere in an X5. Even getting stuck in a traffic jam could be turned into something less torturing, provided you have a nice sound system, a couple of good CDs and perhaps a screen and an onboard DVD player, and of course a handphone and mobile broadband. And now we have audio blog! I know i would make use of it. A lot of ramblings come out during traffic jams.
Heck, someone even put a massaging seat in a car! I dont know of any other way to pamper oneself.
Now i want my 325i.
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