Yeah... work have been taxing me last week. Still have to do some revision on the business plan draft. Other than that, some other clandestine assignment lands on my desk.
Other than work... what else...? Nothing much.
One thing i realised about being Malaysian; we consume a hell lot of food.
I was out with some university mates last weekend for a small gathering over "buka puasa". We had the gathering at Shangri-la Hotel.
Due to miscommunication we thought the buffet was going to be around RM 50++ (abt USD 13), but actually it was RM89++. (Still cheap by US standards).
But the amount of food was... a lot.. and i must say the food was good. We stayed on until about 10pm, and there was still enough food to feed a stable of horses.
Last night, i got an invitation to another restaurant. This time its Sahara Tent located in a small hotel in the city. The food was not that great but at least its Middle Eastern cuisine; something different for my tastbuds.
Ironic as it may seem, all hotels and restaurants in the city are having a feast of food this fasting month. And almost all need advance booking. You cant just walk in and order. A couple of week a go me and a good friend of mine was at this Middle eastern restaurant. We reached quiet early but we didnt make any booking. The restaurant was empty but all the tables were reserved. The waiter then turns around and said "Sorry sir, all tables are booked. Come after "Buka Puasa" and maybe there will be a table for you".
We had Thai food instead.
Next week is going to be one hell of a long weekend. With Eid coming around this Friday; and monday being a replacement holiday. I have applied leave for the whole of next week. Great!
Now I need to get some games to keep me occupied! Heard FIFA 2003 is already in the market.... :)
Oh yeah, i got myself two books:
Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land by David K. Shipler and Life of Pi by Yann Martel.
That should keep me occupied.
Finally, this is funny! Enjoy.
Listening to: Are you in?, Incubus