I have always wanted to keep a log book for my dreams but somehow rather it never materialized. However there are some dreams that i would remember for the rest of my life. For instance, when i was small... about five or six, i had this dream my family left me in this weird looking house, a double story house but the only entrance is from the 2nd floor which is kinda weird. Another dream, probably when i was about four or five, i lost my mom in my dreams and i woke up crying.
More recently i was attacked by a black snake with burning red eyes... followed by a witch who kills young women for her fountain of youth spell.
Well I had another weird dream last night, that i could remember clearly. it was weird because each chapter was repeated (some sort of like the chapters you get on DVD). I was at this party at this huge house but somehow rather i was like a ghost. No one seemed to acknowledge my presence except this one girl who is one of the hosts. I ate the food but couldn't taste anything. Then i left the house. It was a long walk to the gate. When i reached the gate, the girl was there, with the other hosts.
She asked, " Why are you leaving so early?"
I said, "I don't belong here... I must go"
Then she said, "but this is where you belong"
I replied, "Part of me will always be with you... always... i have to go... "
Then i woke up. too much TV? maybe.... but the last thing i watched before dozing off was Discovery Channel's Eruption.
Listening to: Symphony No 7 (Allegretto), Ludwig van Beethoven
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